The great thing about dating these days is all the versatility. You have ways of reaching your preferred type of person or situation that you've never had before. Dating can be a bit of confusion, especially if you're just coming out of a divorce and haven't dated for years. There are some alternative dating ideas now that may appeal to people who don't want to go down the traditional route. Singles bars have been around for a long time yet they don't appeal to everyone, but at least it's clear why you're there. Everyone is in the same boat.
Some of them have a telephone on the table and you ring the person at another table that you're interested in. It's not subtle but it's straightforward. Speed dating gives you an even shorter time to make an impression.
As an alternative dating technique, it can be a lot of fun. You sit opposite someone and each of you have a few minutes to tell the other about yourself. Then, you move on to the next table and so on. If someone bored you to tears, it doesn't matter, it's all over very quickly. At the end of the evening, you pick out anyone that caught your fancy and go from there. There's no pressure and if you don't meet anyone you clicked with, you can go to the next session.
Dating agencies have become quite popular in recent times. Professional people who lead busy lives like to use them. It's an alternative dating method that which although is not foolproof but it's somewhat safer, as the clients have gone thru some sort of filtering system. A lot of agencies use a video system whereby the client makes a brief video of them and gets to watch other's videos. You don't have long to make an impression and it's best to just be yourself. You want to come across as a genuine person, not a phony.
Joe Davidson provides kisscafe with interesting articles about alternative dating.